Lightworks, LLC
Experience More Fulfillment
in Your Healing, Visionary Practice
for Highly Sensitive Healers & Visionaries
Awaken and inspire your own gratitude with this heartful homage to the wonders within and around us, from the universal to the personal, in these 33 Love Letters to Hidden Treasures.
Kissed by Creation
autographed book -
$12 US + S&H
Through rhythm, rhyme, story, and whimsy, Sizzle Soar, Glow, Roar: Earth Pulse Arias brings to light the magic and marvels of our weave of Oneness with nature in this 24-poem collection.
Earth Pulse Arias
autographed book -
$12 US + S&H
Energy Centers
If your chakras could speak, what might they share about your desires, needs, gifts, and challenges?
How might they assist you in creating a more empowered, purpose-full, and fulfilling life?
Whether you are a novice or expert, Chakras Alive! provides a personalized guide to help you gain the spot-on insights you need to access more and more of your spirit’s unique potential.
Cutting-edge channeled info,, activational artwork, poetry, guided meditations, key questions, energy healing techniques, and suggestions for daily living supporting each of your 9 main energy centers included.
Chakras Alive! autographed full-color illustrated book only - $29 US + S&H
Creative Wisdom
Want to go past surface illusions and dive deep for insights into your relationships, career, self-development & more?
Gift yourself a powerful tool for mining the gems of your unique wisdom with Creative Wisdom Emerging!
The 11-step process in this workbook provides a practical structure and clear point-by-point directions to help you benefit from the wealth of wisdom within you at a whole new level.
From choosing a format for using Creative Wisdom Cards to implementing your new-found insights in your daily life, Creative Wisdom Emerging is specially designed to support any area of your life.
Creative Wisdom Emerging with Creative Wisdom Cards - $44 US, Free Shipping & Handling (Continental US only)
CreativeWisdom Emerging autographed book only - $12 + S&H
Creative Wisdom Cards (velvet pouch included) - $25 + S&H
Goddess Heart Wisdom
Connect with myriad aspects of the Sacred Feminine within yourself and the Universe through the Goddess Wisdom Series so you can express your Divine nature more fully in your day-to-day world.
Fresh, modern insights into timeless spiritual energies, stunning original art, inspiring messages and poetry, transformative meditations, and eye-opening self-reflection exercises guide you to anchor the Divine strengths and wisdoms revealed, help you embody your own uniquely sacred self more fully.
The Goddess Heart Wisdom Deluxe Set includes:
- Autographed copy of full-color illustrated Goddess Heart Rising: Paintings, Poems & Meditations for Activating Your Divine Potential
- Autographed copy of full-color illustrated Goddess Heart Dancing: A Self-Guided Pathway to Light through Imagery, Insights & Inspiration
- Goddess Heart Rising Guidance Card Set with Organza Pouch
- Goddess Heart Dancing Guidance Card Set w/ Organza Pouch
- 5 Downloadable Meditation Recordings from A New Radiance: Chakra Blessings from the Divine Feminine
Goddess Heart Wisdom Deluxe Set: $115 U.S., Free Shipping & Handling (Continental U.S. only)
Goddess Heart Rising Autographed Book & Card Set with gauze pouch only - $40 U.S. + S&H
Goddess Heart Dancing Autographed Book & Card Set with gauze pouch only - $40 U.S. + S&H
Secrets of the Holy Family
Ever wonder if there might be ancient knowledge to help you live your Divine heritage and co-create a more balanced, uplifting world?
Have you suspected there’s more to learn about biblical times and the roles played by women?
Have you wished for a skilled, compassionate guide to activate your spiritual growth at new levels?
Discover how a spiritual adept working behind the scenes for eons and mother of a ground-breaking woman can help you more fully live your Divine humanness and offer your best to our planetary evolution.
Learn helpful spiritual practices demonstrated by concrete examples, witness personal aspects of biblical times, and receive energetic keys for unlocking your potential greatness as part of the larger whole.
The Third Mary’s visionary yet down-to-earth messages are presented verbatim as channeled, bringing forth Mary Magdalene’s mother’s wisdom, strength and compassion, her Divinity and humanity, in service to your own.
The Secrets of the Holy Family Deluxe Set includes:
- Autographed copy of The Third Mary: 55 Messages for Empowering Truth, Peace & Grace from the Mother of Mary Magdalene
- Autographed copy of Post-Resurrection: The Family of Mary Magdalene
- Downloadable Video on The Secrets of the Holy Family
Secrets of the Holy Family Deluxe Set - $47 U.S., Free Shipping & Handling (Continental U.S. only)
The Third Mary autographed book only - $15 U.S. + S&H
What legacies do Mary Magdalene and Jesus, their children, Judas Iscariot, and Martha offer you?
How did their lives evolve after the Resurrection?
What roles do they play in our lives now?
Discover a new vision of the Holy Family, revealing secrets of our past, present and future evolution with this story of love, devotion to spiritual evolution, and wisdom for the ages.
Through the voices of the holy family, Roslyn McGrath’s newest book brings a rare and important glimpse into the lives and paths of Magdalene and Christ after their time in Israel. Revealing new understandings of the roles each played, each family member shares their wisdom and life experience to guide us on our life’s journey. A must read for those who yearn to know more of this amazing story of love and destiny!
– Flo Aeveia Magdalena, author of I Remember Union
Post-Resurrection: The Family of Mary Magdalene autographed book only - $15 U.S. + S&H
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