
Lightworks, LLC

Experience More Fulfillment

in Your Healing, Visionary Practice


for Highly Sensitive Healers & Visionaries

Receive the leading-edge support that's empowered hundreds of Highly-Sensitive Healers & Visionaries like you to flourish their purpose!

The Flourish Your Purpose Center offers 1:1 private sessions nationally & internationally by videoconference & phone.

In-person sessions in Marquette, MI may be available upon request.

Flourish Your Purpose Center Membership may include 1:1:

  • Re-Wiring Your Story to shift the neurology behind a specific trigger so you can create a more supportive, expansive new story of your life and world

  • Channeled Guidance from the Third Mary, a spiritual adept skilled in bringing Christ Consciousness into the particulars of your daily life to support your goals.

  • Healing Trauma through Guided Drawing - Supports organic re-wiring of past trauma through tw0-handed movements recorded on paper.

*Choosing a particular modality is not required.

You can simply share your ideal goal(s), and together we’ll tune in to the best way to proceed.

Schedule a Clarity Call to explore whether Flourish Your Purpose Center Membership is the right fit for your needs.

Flourish Your Purpose Center

PREMIUM 12-Month Membership

  • 12 One-to-One Private Sessions, 1.5 hrs. average

  • All Channeled Session Recordings available for replay 24/7

  • Free Priority Scheduling for your convenience

  • BONUS 1: FREE Chakras Alive! Exploring & Expanding Your Inner Rainbow Set - Book, Meditation & Chakra Activation Print by Roslyn Elena McGrath

  • BONUS 2: FREE Developing Your Inner Map video to bring forth guidance for your journey from your inner wisdom

  • BONUS 3: ELEVEN Monthly Email Check-Ins for ongoing support

  • BONUS 4: Self-Assessment & Integration for additional support

  • BONUS 5: Downloadable Archangelic Activation video for high-vibrational support accessible 24/7

  • BONUS 6: FREE Downloadable Meditation chosen specially for you

  • BONUS 7: $25 Off any Empowering Lightworks Training during your membership period

Schedule a Clarity Call to explore whether Flourish Your Purpose Center Membership is the right fit for your needs.

Flourish Your Purpose Center

MID-Level 9-Month Membership

  • 9 One-to-One Private Sessions, 1.25 hrs. average

  • All Channeled Session Recordings available for replay 24/7

  • Free Priority Scheduling for your convenience

  • BONUS 1: FREE Developing Your Inner Map video to bring forth guidance for your journey from your inner wisdom

  • BONUS 2: Eight Monthly Email Check-ins for ongoing support

  • BONUS 3: Downloadable Archangelic Activation video for high-vibrational support accessible 24/7

  • BONUS 4: Self-Assessment & Integration Session for additional support

  • BONUS 5: $20 Off any Empowering Lightworks Training during your membership period

Schedule a Clarity Call to explore whether Flourish Your Purpose Center Membership is the right fit for your needs.

Flourish Your Purpose Center

BASIC 6-Month Membership

  • 6 One-to-One Private Sessions, up to 1.25 hrs. average

  • Up to 6 Session Recordings available for replay 24/7

  • Priority Scheduling for your convenience

  • BONUS 1: Self-Assessment & Integration for additional support

  • BONUS 2: $10 off any Empowering Lightworks Training during your membership period

Schedule a Clarity Call to explore whether Flourish Your Purpose Center Membership is the right fit for your needs.

*Customized Packages may be available upon request.

Roslyn Elena McGrath, Marquette MI intuitive, Marquette MI PSYCH-K facilitator, Marquette MI energy field healer, Marquette MI soul integration, U.P. intuitive, U.P. PSYCH-K facilitator, U.P.  soul integration, U.P. energy field healer, U.P. Angel Light healing, Marquette MI author,  Marquette MI visionary artist

Helping the Helpers

My personal healing journey, natural gifts & decades of ongoing training & experience make possible the honor & joy of helping you experience more fulfillment with your healing, visionary practice.


Before my Soul Embodiment sessions with Roslyn, I was nervous and scared about my upcoming surgery. I had been struggling with certain family relationships, and felt anxious, somewhat depressed, and a bit emotionally fragmented.

After my Soul Embodiment sessions, I felt amazingly at peace about my upcoming surgery. I felt more grounded about family relationships that were challenging me, and had stopped worrying about the “what if’s”, “why’s” and “maybe’s”. I was able to see situations with greater clarity and was able to just “let go” with a greater sense of trust in myself.

Roslyn is an excellent teacher, very kind and understanding. She meets you where you are in your Soul’s journey. The Soul embodiment sessions gave me a greater sense of peace with issues I had been struggling with, as well as the confidence to trust my own intuition and know that I am where I’m supposed to be, doing what I’m supposed to be doing!

– Deb G


Thank you again for all your help and guidance last year. There was so much clearing of past and present pain. I feel so much lighter! I have more room for joy and working on my passion. I wouldn’t be where I am now without your help and guidance. Thank You!

– Lucy LaFaive, Joyful Living

Something really big and major shifted. . . . I just feel so much lighter and joyful! Thank you for sharing your gift!

- D.R., Conscious Channel

I am at peace. Wow, it’s been awhile. I’d forgotten how this feels. I am calm. I’d been dragging, feeling disconnected, and it was getting to where I didn’t want to deal with people. I feel alive, energetic, and happy to see others, in a way I haven’t in a long time!

– TJ Ryan, host of Out There

Working with Roslyn is being inside a blessing. Her numerous healing gifts are offered in pure heartfelt delight, the essence of her joyful being transmitting love, possibilities, comfort, wisdom and guidance. I am awed by her ability to move so gracefully through different levels of consciousness with such extraordinary clarity and precision. I am uplifted, inspired and eternally grateful that she is in my life.

Give yourself the precious gift of working with her and your life will be filled with Grace. She is a true Healer, an Artist of the Spirit, Painting the Soul.

– Kate Rose, Holistic Empath

Roslyn helps bring a sense of peace and calm right away with her well-honed ability to approach session topics in a way that makes things more manageable and less overwhelming, thoroughly tackling one issue at a time until things feel complete.

I experienced many positive shifts during the session, and came out of it with the exact results I had been hoping to experience – more peaceful digestion and cessation of symptoms, clarity on next steps forward, and more peace of mind in knowing that all really is well.

-J.H., Ceremonialist, Astrological Intuitive & Healer

Roslyn’s helped bring me to the core of my being and realign me with my deepest inner truths.

- Leslee Morrison, Author & Healer

I was in the early steps of some major life changes and now I feel very confident I am moving forward in alignment with my Light. I am very grateful I was able to devote time to learn from Roslyn some practices that will assist my 2021 life transformation to be an even more positive journey than I’d ever imagined.

– Laura Danis

Before my work with Roslyn, I doubted myself constantly, would have a “scatter” brain a lot of the time, and cried a lot because I felt like I was taking the wrong path, doing the wrong thing.

Now I have a sureness that I haven’t experienced before, and a calm before I jump to the next project. I’m not feeling I’m inadequate because I didn’t get it right the first time. I’m being nicer to myself, and not feeling like I’m unworthy nearly as often. I’m recognizing my triggers and letting go of them.

– A.M.M., Artist

My worries just melted away. I ended the session feeling supported, comforted, and surrounded by light.

– K. Treloar, Artist, Jeweler & Student of Oriental Medicine

I look at life differently and more positively. I believe in myself MORE than ever and that feels spectacular! Thank you!

– Vicki H., Administrative Assistant

Schedule a Clarity Call to explore whether Flourish Your Purpose Center Membership is the right fit for your needs.

Copyright 2023, Empowering Lightworks. All rights reserved.